Today Apple announced the release of developer preview of Mountain Lion, the upcoming Mac OS. Mac OS X 10.8, dubbed as Mountain Lion is coming this summer brings popular apps from the iPad to the Mac, such as Messages, Notes, Reminders and Game Center, as well as Notification Center, Share Sheets, Twitter integration and AirPlay Mirroring.
Five new features in OS X Mountain Lion include:
- Notification Center with access to alerts from Mail, Calendar, Messages, Reminders, and more.
- Better iCloud integration with automatic syncing and updating of files.
- AirPlay Mirroring: You can stream your desktop to an HDTV, play games via Game Center, and watch movies.
- Gatekeeper security that allows you to control how apps are downloaded and installed.
- A number of smaller updates to desktop apps to align them with their iPhone counterparts. These include iCal, Reminders, Notes, and Messages (which is basically SMS on your desktop!).
Also Apple has officially dropped the Mac name from its latest OS X Mountain Lion operating system,clearly a marketing move that won’t affect the user experience.With this name change apple tries define the line between hardware and software — Mac is hardware, OS X is software, and that’s the end of that.